Before you start identify the type of carpet that is to be cleaned, nylon carpets are pretty robust and can be easily cleaned, whereas wool and wool-mix carpets need a lot more care. Test your cleaning chemicals on a small, unobtrusive area before starting, remember wool carpets will not withstand strong chemicals or lots of water! With extraction cleaning, you can achieve excellent results, but remember that some stains can never be removed.
1) Vacuum
Toroughly vacuum the area to remove loose dirt and dust. This also allows the pre-spray to penetrate deeper and prevents large bits of dirt clogging up your extraction machine. We can offer you many types of vacuums, from the Truvox Wide Area Vac, to the Lindhaus Dynamic Professional vac, to the handy and efficient Henry. Click here for our full range
Spray the entire carpet with a pre-spray cleaner such as the Prochem PreSpray
Gold which is a highly concentrated, professional strength prespray cleaner that is ideal for wool, wool-mix, stain-resistant nylon and other pH sensitive, wet-cleanable carpets, rugs and upholstery fabrics. It is also approved by ‘Woolsafe’ for use on wool and wool-rich carpets. Or the Jangro Spot and Stain Remover which can be used as a single solution for spaots and stains or as a pre-spray. Go back over any heavily soiled areas then leave complete area for about 5 minutes.
3) Brush
Brush the carpet using a large brush which lifts the carpet pile and breaks down dirt allowing the cleaning solution to penetrate fibres. Leave for another 5 minutes.
Start in the corner of the room furthest from the door and work backwards out of the room, keeping the machine behind you to prevent the wheels causing fresh marks on your newly cleaned carpet. Using your extraction machine, go over using a few overlapping strokes to spray your solution on the carpet. Then use a few overlapping dry strokes to thoroughly suck up the water. Consult your machines instruction booklet for a complete users guide. We offer a range of extraction machines including the Prochem machines.
There is a wide range of chemicals available for use in your machine, simply click here for our complete range of floor care products.
Allow the area to dry thoroughly, with a good extraction machine this can take around
4-5 hours. Alternatively you can use Room Dryers