Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Plastic Glassware - Which should you choose?

What are the benefits for using plastic glassware? And which is the most appropriate to use?


For large and one-off events the ideal choice is our disposable flexy-glass range. These glasses are made from a shatterproof flexible plastic (polypropylene), that is safe to use in most situations, shatterproof, very strong and yet lightweight for ease of use. Our plastic shot glasses are thinner than the flexy-glass range, while at the same time being rigid.

Polycarbonate Range

For a reusable daily range of glassware, our polycarbonate range is ideal as an effective alternative to glass. Polycarbonate is extremely rigid and sturdy and is resistant to breakage when dropped or thrown. They have a glass-like clarity, are dishwasher safe, child-proof and light making them easy and safe to handle.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Hayfever help!

Yes, its the time for sneezing, runny eyes and the variety of other symptoms associated with hayfever. The hayfever season lasts from February untill September and is broken down as

  • Tree Pollen – February to June
  • Grass Pollen – May to July/August
  • Nettle/Weed Pollen – August to September

Standard advice for sufferers includes:

  • Keep an eye on the pollen forecasts, and try to stay indoors on heavy pollen count days
  • Stay inside if possible at the worst times of the day, typically morning and evening
  • Wear dark sunglasses to protect eyes from pollen
  • Put vaseline around nose to catch pollen Keep windows and doors closed at home
  • Don’t drive around with the car windows open

Did you also know though, that just hanging your washing outside can irritate sufferers? Pollen is very sticky and tends to stick to fabric and hair, therefore recommendations are that you wash your hair and clothes every day, and don’t hang clothes outside to dry. Even pets can be a source of irritation, as pollen can stick to pet hair as well as your own hair!

Another feature of pollen is that it can ‘live’ in carpets and fabrics for up to three months, so regular and thorough cleaning of carpets and upholstery is essential to prevent not only hayfever, but also other allergies caused by dust-mites and particulates. At Adcocks we recommend using a good hoover such as the Lindhaus Dynamic Professional, with its 5 stage filtration system, this vacuum is one of the best for capturing pollen and emitting air clean and free from allergens.